Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Giving Thanks for Volunteers

We volunteers!

'Tis the season to be grateful and all the VSD staff want to give a hearty thanks to you our volunteers! We’re fortunate to get to see community change every day at Volunteer San Diego, but this past year has really knocked our socks off.

We’ve seen more people serving in more ways than ever before. We are so grateful to get to work in partnership with you to make San Diego the best it can be.

A special thanks to….
Flex Team Leaders & Volunteers
Serve-a-thon Site Captains & Volunteers

Corporate Volunteer Teams

Disaster Cadre Members & Reservists

Social Media Team

DOVIA Council

Office Volunteers

Special Project Coaches & Partners

Board & Committee Members

AmeriCorps & AmeriCorps VISTA members

And everyone else who has contributed in official and unofficial capacities.

You inspire us with your good work, smart ideas, and selfless giving. We couldn’t have done it without you.

Warm wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving!

With gratitude for giving us the gift of you,
Sue Carter
Executive Director

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