Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A is for Asparagus, B is for Beets, C is for...

The Arc of San Diego North Shores Vocational Center is a leading provider of services for people with disabilities. This year we're going to finish the planter boxes that were left unfinished by some good-hearted volunteers. Finishing these planter boxes will provide a hands-on way for people with disabilities to learn about the importance of nutrition and to develop their self-help skills. Read more about project details! Sign up to volunteer today!

Chris and Diana

We'd be delighted for you to participate with us in this awesome day of community building!

Which Serve-a-thon project will you be participating in to impact Education in San Diego?

Diana Farias and Chris Heinrich are Serve-a-thon Site Captains for A is for Asparagus, B is for Beets, C is for...

1 comment:

MTV3sd said...

Keep on doing what you're doing!! We thank you for all of your efforts :)