Wednesday, April 02, 2008

San Diego Ranks #19 of U.S Metro Areas for Volunteering

According to a new federal report, San Diego ranks #19 in volunteerism:

San Diego ranked #19 in a recent list of major U.S. metropolitan areas for
its average number of volunteer hours in the country – 39.5 volunteer hours
per resident in the metro area compared to the nation’s average of 36.5
volunteer hours per metro area resident, according to a new federal

Volunteering in America: 2007 City Trends and
Rankings, released today by the Corporation for National and Community
Service, is the first report of its kind to look at volunteering trends in
50 of the largest metropolitan areas in the United States. San Diego
ranked #25 for its volunteer rate – 29.2 percent – compared to the nation’s
average volunteer rate of 28.1 percent.
Lets shoot for #1!

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